October 20, 2024


Enriching Health Natural

The Importance of Nutrition and Exercise for a Healthy Body

Health results when everything in the body is functioning well. The body is an amazingly complex system, and like any system, it requires inputs to continue working at an optimal level. The two most important inputs are nutrition and exercise.

Nutrition reflects the supply of necessary materials to our system. What you eat is integrated into your body, so the right balance of macronutrients and micronutrients is vital. Macronutrients include fats, carbohydrates, proteins and water. Micronutrients include vitamins and minerals.

Unfortunately, modern society tends to favour unhealthy foods. Less people cook, and the result is an increased intake of fake, processed, junk food. The health conscious consumer needs to realise that just because something is marketed as edible doesn’t mean we should eat it.

The modern diet gets more than enough protein, fat, and sugar, but tends to lack enough water, fibre, and vitamins. As for supplying the latter, multivitamin supplements are okay, but the secret to a well nourished body is variety in diet. A good general rule is, the fresher the food and the less processed, the better it is for you. If one decreases the intake of fake food and increases one’s intake of water, fruits and vegetables, it will increase the quality of nutrition.

A body with healthy nutritional input still requires exercise. Exercise fine tunes your system so it can work at optimal level. Like a grand piano, if you don’t tune your body regularly, decline and discord will manifest.

Regular exercise helps to maintain weight, relieve stress, and improve mood and quality of sleep. Different exercises have different benefits. Cardio improves the vascular system; the heart and veins, as well as the immune system. Strength training increases muscle mass and helps to burn fat. It also increases bone density, a benefit especially significant for women.

The key to regular exercise is variety and discovering activities you enjoy. Keep an open mind. Cycling, hiking, martial arts, recreational sports, yoga and dancing are some examples of exercises that can become lifelong passions. Getting a gym membership is another great alternative. Admittedly, exercise options are limited by your environment and lifestyle. Exercises that everyone can do at home include jump rope, hula hoop, dumbbells, and exercise videos. Many of these activities will be more enjoyable and sustainable if you have a partner to join you.

Whichever forms you decide are right for you, remember that a healthy body as a result of good nutrition and regular exercise is well worth the effort.

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